Practice Areas

Lukáš Michálik, LL.M.
Areas of Practice
M&A and Corporate
- private equity
- venture capital
- exit strategies
- joint ventures
Life Sciences
- market access & distribution
- medical devices
- MedTech
- clinical trials
Compliance & Regulatory
- antitrust & competition
- investigations
- AML, UBO registration, sanctions
What others say
He is a very client-oriented person, the first thing he sees is the client’s needs. He finds a solution every time and is a solid negotiator.
(Chambers Global Guide 2024)
Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague (2010)
LL.M., University of California, Berkeley Law (2012)
- Slovak Venture Capital and Private Equity Association – Legal & Tax Committee
- ABA, IBA & AIJA – Corporate/M&A Committees
- AIJA – Healthcare & Life Sciences committee
- M&A courses on Slovak law schools
- Various pro-bono projects relating to war in Ukraine
Peter Makýš
Areas of Practice
M&A and Corporate
- private equity
- management buy-outs
- exit strategies
- group restructuring
Commercial Real Estate
- commercial leases
- retail, offices, industrial
- lease management
- acquisitions
Closely Held Companies
- family businesses
- shareholders relations
- private & family foundations
- succession
Faculty of Law, Paneuropean university (2014)
- Member of IBA & AIJA
- AIJA Corporate/M&A Committee
- IBA Closely Held Companies Committee
- M&A courses on Slovak law schools
- Various pro-bono projects relating to the NGO sector in the Slovak Republic
Marek Ciesarík
Areas of Practice
M&A and corporate:
• due diligence
• joint ventures
• private equity
Compliance & Regulatory
• compliance programs
• AML & sanctions
• antitrust & competition
Commercial Real Estate
• acquisitions
• brokerage
• lease management
Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava
Natália Polomská
Areas of Practice
M&A and Corporate
- due diligence
- joint venture
- private equity
Life Sciences:
- market access
- advertisement
- distribution
Commercial Real Estate:
- commercial leases
- lease management
- brokerage
Faculty of Law, Comenius University, Bratislava (2024)
Martin Koša
Areas of Practice
Banking, Finance & Capital Markets
- capital markets
- financial institutions
- lending & borrowing
- restructuring & insolvency
M&A and Corporate
- joint ventures
- debt finance
- private equity
Commercial Real Estate
- acquisitions
- brokerage
- lease management
Faculty of Law, Panueropean University, Bratislava (2011)
- Various pro-bono projects
- Author of Banking&Finance case-law at beckonline.sk
- Zákon o bankách (Act on Banks), komentár, C.H.Beck, 2024 (co-author)
Anna Kocúrová
Areas of Practice
Litigation & Dispute Resolution:
- procedural strategies
- commercial disputes
- reputational attacks
Compliance & Regulatory
- employment
- media law
- e-commerce & consumers
M&A and Corporate
- contracts
- shareholders rights
- liability of statutory representatives
Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava
Tomáš Langer
Areas of Practice
Litigation & Dispute Resolution
- procedural strategies
- media disputes
- commercial disputes
- criminal prosecutions
Compliance & Regulatory
- IP law
- media law
- unfair competition
M&A and Corporate
- contracts
- shareholders rights
- liability of statutory representatives
What others say
Tomáš Langer is focused on defending clients against high-profile reputational attacks.
Legal 500 (2024)
Faculty of Law, P. J. Safarik University, Košice (Mgr.) 2004
Faculty of Law, P. J. Safarik University, Košice (JUDr.) 2004
Faculty of Law, Ghent University, Belgium (LL.M.) 2006
- Initiative Stop Hate – legal expert (more info)
- Long term pro bono legal advice to Slovak leading NGOs, incl. organisation dedicated to the protection of journalists and anti-corruption organisation
- Author of Anti – SLAPP curriculum for Slovakia (more info)
- Author of the article „Media responsibility for published content“
- Publishing and lecturing activities, in particular on the protection of personality rights, freedom of expression and SLAPP actions. Regular lecturing for trainee lawyers at Slovak Bar Association
Šimon Hora
Areas of Practice
M&A and Corporate
- private equity
- joint venture
- group restructuring
Compliance & Regulatory
- AML & sanctions
- compliance programs
- antitrust & competition
Closely Held Companies
- shareholder relations
- private & family foundations
- holdings
Faculty of Law, Charles University, Prague (2021)
Katarína Lisýová
Areas of Practice
Laura Václaviková
Areas of Practice
M&A and Corporate:
- due diligence
- joint ventures
Life Sciences:
- drug policy
- market access
- health data
Compliance & Regulatory:
- procurement
- consumers
- competition
Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava
Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava
Viktória Králiková
Areas of Practice
M&A and Corporate:
- due diligence
- joint ventures
- private equity
Life Sciences:
- market access
- drug policy
- clinical trials
Commercial Real Estate:
- retail
- lease managemenet
- offices
Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava
Klaudia Popélyová
Areas of Practice
Life Sciences
- market access
- advertisement
- medical devices
Compliance & Regulatory
- procurement
- e-commerce & consumers
- employment
Commercial Real Estate
- commercial leases
- property management
- acquisitions
Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava (2019)
- Various pro bono projects related to the war in Ukraine and creation of platform for pro bono services
- AIJA – Healthcare & Life Sciences committee member
- Prokuratúra v podmienkach Európskej únie (Prosecution in the European Union), C. H. Beck, 2021(co-author)
Terézia Rybáková
Terézia Rybáková
Office and Business Assistantof experience
Areas of Practice
Rybárska brána 8
811 01 Bratislava
Slovak Republic